Customer Contact Week Las Vegas 2021

Layer AI Into Your Existing Tech Ecosystem to Augment Agent Capacity

Speaker: Seth Earley

As AI and machine learning models improve, how can customer contact leaders integrate agents alongside these powerful tools to improve productivity and efficiency? In this workshop, we'll tackle:

  • Strategically deploying AI to support agents.
  • Blending agents with automation tools to improve the agent experience.
  • Earning agent buy-in for AI initiatives

Prerequisites for Effective & Meaningful Automation

Speaker: Seth Earley

Nearly all contact centers have attempted some form of automation. With hindsight, nearly the same number would approach the application of automation differently. This Big Ideas presentation will start at the beginning of the journey to equip you with best practices and prerequisites for preparing your contact center to tackle an automation project. Specifically we'll explore:

  • How to establish a unified digital language and data standardization
  • Proper documentation of business process and organizational knowledge
  • Technology vendor selection

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Earley Information Science Team

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