5 Things You Need To Know To Create A Highly Successful E-Commerce Business

This Authority Magazine interview with Seth Earley was published on November 13, 2020: 5 Things You Need To Know To Create A Highly Successful E-Commerce Business

1. Know your audience. I built a personalization architecture and at the end of the process, the marketing department could not come up with differentiated messaging because they knew so little about them

2. Focus. Trying to be all things to all people will not serve anyone very well. Once you understand that target, be laser-focused on catering to those detailed needs you have identified in item

3. Don’t skip the hard parts. Whether this is market research, user research, or documenting code and setting up governance know what is enough and don’t give it short shrift

4. Get the foundation right. This includes data quality and carefully designed product, customer, content and messaging architectures. (Yes, architectures, plural)

5. Be realistic. Understate the expected results. Overstate the expected costs. As I have told other entrepreneurs, have at least 6 months of runway and expect things to take twice as long and your results to be half what you estimate.

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Earley Information Science Team

We're passionate about managing data, content, and organizational knowledge. For 25 years, we've supported business outcomes by making information findable, usable, and valuable.