Complex Product Configuration: The Intersection of Knowledge Management and Product Information Management

Recorded - available as on demand webcast

Organizations are investing in product data to support eCommerce and a more personalized experience.  But what about the need to manage unstructured knowledge related to product information? Such as for technical documentation or support knowledge bases.  When configuration choices and options allow for hundreds or thousands of variations, the information needed to support those configurations becomes challenging to manage and make accessible to the right people. 

In this webinar, we will discuss best practices in product information management as well as recent developments in knowledge management and show how product configuration management can mitigate the problems of complex product portfolios and reduce short and long term support costs. 

  • The difference between product information management and product content management
  • How Product content management supports and is enabled by knowledge management
  • Ways to use component content in ways to support humans configuring products and solutions as well as configuration helper bots
  • The business case for investing in component content management and aligning product content models with knowledge models  

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Meet the Author
Seth Earley, Alex Masycheff