Product Information Management for Conglomerates: The Best Approach for Complex Decentralized Enterprises

Recorded - available as on demand webcast

Implementing Product Information Management (PIM) in any organization is complex. Getting consensus across lines of business around how products and services should be organized and related to one-another, getting to a single source of the truth, and getting all the data into one system of record is challenging to say the least.

But what if your goal was to implement a shared platform and product information source to share across multiple operating companies in a conglomerate? Is PIM a good target for a shared service? Are there limits to the value of having a centralized platform for PIM? Can you get different businesses, with different priorities, different processes, different products and services, and different clock-speeds to all standardize on a PIM platform and data model?

Join us as we explore how and whether shared PIM platforms, master data, and services are right for parent-subsidiary enterprises.

The audience for this month’s Roundtable are executives responsible for marketing and digital commerce in retail, manufacturing, supply and/or distribution in such industries as apparel / footwear, hi-tech, materials, aerospace, life-science and MRO.

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Meet the Author
Dino Eliopulos