Building a Digital Transformation Roadmap

Recorded - available as on demand webcast

Building a digital transformation roadmap requires a clear vision for where your digital business will be in 5 years and beyond. It also requires a thorough assessment of your current state of digital maturity. Then you can build a focused and achievable roadmap to bridge gaps along the dimensions of people, process, technology and content. Join us for an expert panel discussion of the best way to map your own path to digital transformation success.

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Meet the Author
Seth Earley

Seth Earley is the Founder & CEO of Earley Information Science and the author of the award winning book The AI-Powered Enterprise: Harness the Power of Ontologies to Make Your Business Smarter, Faster, and More Profitable. An expert with 20+ years experience in Knowledge Strategy, Data and Information Architecture, Search-based Applications and Information Findability solutions. He has worked with a diverse roster of Fortune 1000 companies helping them to achieve higher levels of operating performance.