Episode 5 - Linda Andersson, AI & Semantic Search


Guest: Linda Andersson, Founder & CEO, Artificial Researcher


In this episode, Seth and Chris talk with Linda Andersson, Founder & CEO of Artificial Researcher about AI powered semantic search.

5:00 - Linda's journey to her work
14:20 - Domain knowledge and ontologies
17:07 - Knowledge extraction
20:05 - Why we need ontologies
20:50 - Bias and not knowing what you don't know
25:40 - Structuring and curating the knowledge base
30:00 - Supervised vs semi-supervised models
38:15 - What is Academia missing
43:30 - Getting the right start for AI projects


Information about Artificial Researcher

Demo pages for index and the ontologies generated by the Artificial Researcher Data pipeline solution:

Contact Linda:

Thanks to our sponsors:
Earley Information Science
Marketing AI Institute

Meet the Author
Earley Information Science Team

We're passionate about managing data, content, and organizational knowledge. For 25 years, we've supported business outcomes by making information findable, usable, and valuable.