Product Data Projects – Building an ROI with Hard Data

Recorded - available as on demand webcast

While most organizations engaging in B2B or B2C commerce understand the intuitive value of product data, sometimes justifying a significant investment can be challenging.  How do you know that the ROI is there? What about ongoing changes and course corrections? Can hard data replace opinion when it comes to determining product hierarchies?  In many organizations, he or she who yells the loudest gets their products the highest. Or, the group with the greatest revenue dictates how the site is organized.  But is this the best way to make decisions? 

A better way is to use the data to drive decision making. This means setting up scorecards and dashboards that will identify problems and guide changes – a true data driven decision framework. This approach can be extended to many types of processes and systems once it is in place but getting stakeholders to trust the data can be a big stumbling block. 

Topics to be covered in this session:

  • Review the elements of a practical data driven decision framework
  • Illustrate with examples from the product information  domain.
  • Discuss a similar approach for related domains (search, content, user experience and taxonomy)
  • Show how hard data about product data can lead to better ecommerce results – the ROI that every leader is looking for.

Don’t miss this high impact webinar where we will show how this can be done practically in organizations with large product catalogs.

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Meet the Author
Seth Earley, Dave Skrobela, Eli Cooley