Power of Product Data Mini Series

Recorded - available as on demand webcast

Earley Information Science digital commerce experts share insider best practices for maximizing your B2B digital experience in this series of short - no B.S. - one-on-one conversations. Each episode is just 15 minutes and packed start to finish just the good stuff.

1. Impact of Product Data on UX

Product content will make or break your digital commerce user experience. But what does that really mean? In this discussion we use real world examples to walk through the basics of content strategy, illustrate how product content can be used to differentiate from competitors (for better or worse), and show how various components of your “Product Rulebook” directly impact the users experience.

2. One Product, One Place

In this session, we explain how and why you should streamline the organization of your products to improve the buyers experience. In this episode, you learn how to identify organizational principles that help users get to the right product and how to properly categorize to avoid extra costs and wasted resources over time

3. Get More than 1000 Words from Your Product Images

In this conversation, our digital commerce experts walks through the impact that product images have on discovery and conversion online and describes a simple approach to differentiating your product images in a way that can scale alongside your business.

4. Stop Hiding Product in Your Taxonomies

Many product taxonomies start with good intentions but are corrupted over time by a proliferation of “miscellaneous” nodes – virtual “junk drawers” that hide product from customers. In this talk, EIS discusses why “junk drawers” can be a problem in taxonomy and shows how to avoid (or at least manage) them for improved customer engagement.

5. The Power and Peril of Global Attributes

Attributes are powerful tools in Digital B2B, but they are also a lot of work to design and maintain. “Global” attributes – which are used across all categories – can be a tempting way to simplify content strategy. Here, our digital commerce experts will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Global Attributes and provide guidance about when (and when not) to use them in your data model.

6. How Taxonomy Design Can Make or Break the Browsing Experience

When designing a display taxonomy, many sites lose track of the customer journey at *each step* into a lower level. This can negatively impact the user experience – driving users away or inadvertently guiding them to the wrong part of your site. In this discussion, our digital commerce experts break down the design of design taxonomies and shares some tips and tricks to keep your design user friendly while accelerating discovery.

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Meet the Author
Earley Information Science Team

We're passionate about managing data, content, and organizational knowledge. For 25 years, we've supported business outcomes by making information findable, usable, and valuable.