[Earley AI Podcast] Episode 48: Bob Levy

The Power of Visualization in AI: From Compliance to Finance with Bob Levy - The Earley AI Podcast with Seth Earley - Episode #048 Guest: Bo...

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 [Earley AI Podcast] Episode 48: Bob Levy


























[Earley AI Podcast] Episode 48: Bob Levy

The Power of Visualization in AI: From Compliance to Finance with Bob Levy - The Earley AI Podcast with Seth Earley - Episode #048 Guest: Bo...

[Earley AI Podcast] Episode 47: Moritz Müller

Moritz Müller on Structuring Content for Enhanced Language Model Capabilities - The Earley AI Podcast with Seth Earley - Episode #047 Guest:...

[Earley AI Podcast] Episode 46: Erdem Özcan

Erdem Özcan on the Future of Neurosymbolic AI - The Earley AI Podcast with Seth Earley - Episode #046 Guest: Erdem Özcan Erdem Özcan is an e...

[Earley AI Podcast] Episode 45: Lief Erickson

Lief Erickson Navigates the Complexities of Content Architecture with AI - The Earley AI Podcast with Seth Earley - Episode #044 Guest: Lief...

[Earley AI Podcast] Episode 44: Manish Sharma

Accelerating AI Adoption: How Manish Sharma Sees Information Architecture Evolving - The Earley AI Podcast with Seth Earley - Episode #044 G...

[RECORDED] Information Governance in the Age of AI

Many Organizations are struggling with the best way to govern and manage the use of Generative AI in the enterprise. There are many dimensio...

[Earley AI Podcast] Episode 26: Daniel Faggella

Human Cognitive Science Guest: Daniel Faggella About this Episode: Today’s guest is Daniel Faggella, Head of Research and CEO at Emerj Techn...

[Earley AI Podcast] Episode 25: Michelle Zhou

Data Tells the Story Guest: Michelle Zhou About this Episode: Today’s guest is Michelle Zhou, Co-Founder and CEO at Juji, Inc. Michelle join...

[Recorded] Demystifying Knowledge Graphs – Applications in Discovery, Compliance and Governance

A knowledge graph is a type of data representation that utilizes a network of interconnected nodes to represent real-world entities and the ...

[Video] How does information governance help make data driven decisions?

TRANSCRIPT I wanted to take a few minutes and talk about decision making based on data. It's really about how we can measure the results of ...

Digital Governance: It’s a Numbers Game (Metrics, KPIs, and ROI, that is)

If your organization is on a journey of digital transformation you need to intentionally and proactively manage, control and exploit the val...

How To Use Data Driven Decision Making To Improve Ecommerce Outcomes

Is the money your company spending on product information management paying off? How do you know where you should invest? If you are not sur...

How Governance Keeps Your PIM Optimized for the Long Term

Governance is a program used to ensure data is being managed efficiently. There are many aspects of governance that should be considered whe...

Five Keys to Success for Digital Transformation

More organizations than ever are working to implement digital transformations, but stepping back to understand the critical steps can be dif...

Four Critical Elements of Metrics-Driven Information Governance

The importance of information governance is recognized by most organizations, both for its operational value and its role in supporting such...

Who Owns the Business Ontology - Staffing Up For Ontology Development

In a poll we conducted during our webinar on “How Ontologies Drive Digital Transformation,” only 16% of the participants had developed ontol...

Data Governance: Achieving Sustainability Among Whiners

Recorded - available as on demand webcast Let’s face it - no one likes the ‘G’ word. It’s too often a sour antidote to excitement and nimble...

How to Design Successful Governance Programs

Herding cats. Lack of management support. Not my job. A distraction. So much governance behavior can be described as a “people problem,” whe...

The Role of the Chief Data Officer - Managing Expectations

This Article originally appeared in the May/June 2017 issue of IT Pro, published by the IEEE Computer Society. This Article is one in a seri...

Getting Your Data House in Order

This Article originally appeared in ITProfessional Magazine. "In the last issue of IT Professional, I discussed the role of the chief data o...

The Evolving Role of the Chief Data Officer

Recorded - available as on demand webcast The CDO is a relatively new role. In some organizations the CDO is a key interface with the rest o...

Knowledge Management and User Engagement – Weaving the Experience into Work Practices

Organizations are maturing in their understanding of knowledge management. But true engagement and acceptance is still a major obstacle to s...

A New Approach to Data, Content and Knowledge Management - Do it Right

Our information landscape is changing faster than ever – solving problems in the short term while preparing for the future requires a differ...

Product Information Governance Leads to Process Improvement

Governance is essential to product information and taxonomy management. Governance ensures consistency, accuracy and adherence to the brands...

Data Governance and Digital Transformation

Governance is often thought of as a boring endeavor - a tedious activity that is needed for compliance but is neither innovative nor creativ...

Data Governance Success - Think Big but Start Small

Recorded - available as on demand webcast Today, information is the new currency. This has changed the rules for how most companies do busin...

Going Beyond Data-Driven: Are You Ready to Become an Insights-Driven Organization?

An insights-driven organization makes decisions about its customers based on data, primarily internal data. This concept goes beyond custome...

Metric-Driven Information Governance

This Article originally appeared ITProfessional Magazine. Information governance does not typically receive the needed attention and resourc...

Data Quality Metrics - What's your Aardvark Index?

Back in 2016 residents of a property an hour’s drive from Wichita, Kansas, were suffering through some very strange and unpredictable activi...

Information Governance: Using Joy as a Metric

Our family recently came across the book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, a best-selling life-changing book about simpl...

The Business Value of Metrics Driven Information Governance

Recorded - available as on demand webcast Governance is the glue that holds various content, knowledge and data management initiatives toget...

Agile Taxonomy Development - an Oxymoron?

Product Taxonomies, on the whole, are iterative in nature. If your company starts selling products it's never sold before, you might need to...

Data Hygiene - the Unsexy but Necessary First Step Toward Omnichannel Success

An article in the Harvard Business Review online entitled “Why Nordstrom’s Digital Strategy Works (and Yours Probably Doesn’t)” addressed co...

Keeping SharePoint from Becoming an Information Shantytown

SharePoint is a near-ubiquitous platform for content and document management. In order to get the most from the platform, it's important to ...

What You Need to Know to End Information Chaos (Part 1)

Clients I work with struggle with many issues. Among these, two often rise to the top. How do we show the impact of metadata on our business...

Developing a Content Maintenance and Governance Strategy

Governance is not a simple process of writing up some plans and policies. Operationalizing governance requires the correct structures and wo...

How We Help You Make Your Data Work Harder

At Earley Information Science, we know that data drives digital. Using our field-proven methods, we'll make your data work harder. We want you to be successful and we're ready help wherever you are in your transformation journey—from strategy and design to implementation and optimization.

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